Donating By Direct Check
Avoid fees by setting up direct checks from your bank.Today, most online banking systems will allow customers to set up automatic payments to companies and individuals. This is one of the safest ways to ‘send’ a donation; you don’t need to give your routing number and account number to anyone because your bank initiates the transaction. That means your information is never provided to any third party and therefore isn’t at risk. Additionally, most banks process these bill pay requests without charging customers a fee.
You can make a one-time donation or enable recurring donations by selecting Thomas Circle Singers (TCS) as a recipient (person). This ensures all of your donation goes directly to Thomas Circle Singers. Direct checks (e-checks) or Bill Pay allow TCS to accept your generous donation without incurring the 3-5% transaction or processing fees, as we typically do for PayPal, credit card, or other electronic donations. To add Thomas Circle Singers to your online banking Bill Pay recipients, you’ll likely be asked for:
Name: Thomas Circle Singers
Address Line 1: 1317 G St NW
City: Washington
State: DC
Phone: (202) 232-3353